Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Protecting Against an IP Spoofing Attack

The following approaches can be used to mitigate IP spoofing attacks:

¦ Use access control lists (ACL) on router interfaces. As traffic comes into a router from

an outside network, an ACL could be used to deny any outside traffic claiming to be

addressed with IP addressing used internally on the local network. Conversely, ACLs

should be used to prevent traffic leaving the local network from participating in a

DDoS attack. Therefore, an ACL could deny any traffic leaving the local network that

claimed to have a source address that was different from the internal network’s IP

address space.

¦ Encrypt traffic between devices (for example, between two routers, or between an end

system and a router) via an IPsec tunnel. In Figure 1-7, notice that the topology is now

protected with an IPsec tunnel. Even though the attacker can still capture packets via

his rogue hub, the captured packets are unreadable, because the traffic is encrypted

inside the IPsec tunnel.

Figure 1-7 Protecting Traffic in a Tunnel

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