Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

CCNA - Lab: Introduction to Basic Show Commands

Lab: Introduction to Basic Show Commands

Objective: To become familiar with the basic show commands

Lab Equipment: We will be using "Router 1". To select "Router 1" click on the drop down box located in the top center of the screen.

1. Get to the router prompt.

2. Enter Privilege Mode.

3. Show the active configuration in memory. The currently active configuration script running on the router is referred to as the 'running-config' on the routers command-line interface. Note that privileged mode is required. The running configuration script is not automatically saved on a Cisco router, and will be lost in the event of power failure. The running configuration must be manually saved with the 'copy' command (discussed in a later lab).

4. Flash memory is a special kind of memory on the router that contains the operating system image file(s). Unlike regular router memory, Flash memory continues to maintain the file image even after power is lost.

5. The routers Command Line Interface (CLI) maintains by default the last 10 commands you have entered in memory. What command will view all of the past commands still in router memory at the same time?

6. What two commands will let you retrieve the previous command you typed?

7. What two commands will let you use the next command in the history buffer?

8. What command will let you view the status of the current routing protocols running on your router?

9. What command is used to obtain critical information, such as: router platform type, operating system revision, operating system last boot time and file location, amount of memory, number of interfaces, and configuration register.

10. How can you view the routers clock?

11. What command will display a cached list of hosts and all of their interfaces IP addresses?

12. How can you view a list of all users who are connected to the router?

13. What command will give you detailed information about each interface?

14. What command will show the global and interface-specific status of any layer 3 protocols?

Basic Show Commands Lab

1. Login to the Router and get to the Privileged Mode Prompt(#).

2. View you running configuration.

3. Display the contents of the Flash memory.

What is the name of the IOS in Flash? ___________________

How big is the IOS in Flash? __________________________

How much Flash memory is free? ______________________

4. Display the information about all of the layer-three protocols that are currently being routed in the router. What command did you use to do this? ___________________

What protocols are enabled on the router?_________________

How many interfaces are UP ______ and how many are Administratively down?___________

5. View all the list of all commands you have entered so far. What command did you use?____________________

How many commands have you entered so far? _____________

6. What keystroke(s) would enable you to bring up the previous command you entered? ______________ and ___________

7. What command will let you view critical information such as: router uptime, router platform type, operating system revision, amount of memory, number of interfaces and the configuration register? ___________________

Where is the IOS Stored?_________________

What is the Router Platform?_______________

Total amount of NVRAM on the Router?_______________

What is the configuration Register value? ______________

How many Ethernet interfaces does this router have?______ How many Serial Interfaces?________

8. Display the routers time and date. What command will accomplish this?_________________

9. What time does the router think it is?

10. List all the host entries in your router. What command will do this?________________________________

11. What command will display all the users connected to your router?____________________________

12. What command will display the global and interface specific layer 3 information? _____________________________

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